Monday, May 28, 2007

The quest for excessive poundage...

The attempt to gain weight that I mentioned in my first fast food blog has nearly come to an end. I just got off the scale and I've put on eighteen pounds in the last three weeks. Initially I wanted to gain twenty but I've decided to up that to twenty five. That will put me at 170, acceptable for a six-footer.

I did not put the weight on via a fast food diet - had I done so I would probably be dead right now. I've limited my fast food intake to one or two meals a week. Instead, I've been eating four (mostly healthy) meals daily, forcing myself to fit them in regardless of my work schedule. I've been eating calorically dense foods and a lot of protein shakes. About two weeks ago I started an excercise program to try and put the weight where I wanted it to go. The funny thing is you probably wouldn't notice I've gained a pound.

I feel great, with a few exceptions. I have a ton of energy. I find myself getting out a lot more, pursuing physical activity (had a great game of wiffleball Sunday afternoon!). My cigarette habit seems to be dwindling as well. I'm thinking of taking a stab at quitting. I'm also sleeping less but feeling more refreshed.

I have had a fairly persistent headache but this might be caused by reduced caffeine intake. The biggest problem I'm experiencing is with my knees, which feel like they are about to give out. This might also result from frequently taking flights of stairs in a single jump (I don't know why I do this - it's just fun, like being airborne). My old pair were a bit worn out so I picked up a new pair of New Balance's today hoping the Abzorb soles will help me out. I'm kind of sore from working out. As far as the problems are concerned I expect they'll fade as my body adjusts.

I probably should have consulted a doctor before attempting this but to be honest I didn't think I'd put it on so fast. I'm a little concerned about the extra strain on my heart but I'm hoping the cardio will compensate. I guess I should end this by saying "don't try this at home"...


Anonymous said...

Jack- For the best ever book on working out, try to locate a book called "Beyond Brawn" by Stuart McRobert (I think-After studyng the book I loaned it to someone and have not seen it since). Excellent work out ideas and nutrition ideas. I went from 165 to 195 in 3 months and all of it was muscle. I have deteriorated recently and will be back on the program as soon as my thumb heals sufficiently! Brian

Jack Ludwig said...

I'll check that out. I've almost reached my goal but to be honest I think I could add another twenty and still not see much difference :)