Saturday, May 5, 2007

Bill gets his butt kicked...

There are few people I dislike more than Bill O'Reilly. He's pompous, arrogant, and just plain stupid. O'Reilly never addresses the point, just dances around it in search of an ad hominem attack. His influence on American political debate is overwhelmingly negative. He represents that faction of the Republican party that cares only for their own self interest, at the active expense of everyone who disagrees with their position.

A good friend recently posted an anti-O'Reilly blog with a link to a YouTube video. Initially, I resisted following that link, because frankly I've heard quite enough from Bill. But in responding I felt it incumbent to address what he had to say. This lead me to some other O'Reilly fuck-ups on YouTube that I thought I'd share with you:

O'Reilly gets the crap kicked out of him from the left AND the right (by a Democratic party strategist and a FOX NEWS analyst - it wouldn't surprise me if this guy lost his job for this because he really helps put O'Reilly on the ropes):

Phil Donahue goes into Satan's lair and kicks his ass! Phil is one of the few capable of talking loudly over O'Reilly's blather. I'm not always a big fan of Phil but he performs admirably here:

Keith Olbermann smacks down Bill. Highlight - Stewie from "Family Guy" does the intro! Quite honestly this illustrates more than anything else the evil that is Bill O'Reilly:

My personal favorite. I liked what David Letterman had to say to O'Reilly. I wish I could find the entire interview. I can't, but I think what I was able to find sums this up quite well:

I wish someone would say this to our president...


Anonymous said...

oh thank you, thank you, thank you, for these delightful little snips!

Jack Ludwig said...

Anytime! You can follow the link over to YouTube and find a bunch more...

Anonymous said...

Haha! This is a great collection. That Fox News analyst is definitely looking for work now! I tired of that bag of wind subjectively criticizing without looking inward and being accountable for his own words and those he supports. Funny for someone who preaches accountability

Jack Ludwig said...

Yeah, my favorite is the Letterman clip, particularly the about face O'Reilly did with regard to Letterman after getting pummeled on Late Night. He'd previously refered to Letterman as one of the smartest interviewers on television, and said that if you weren't prepared Letterman would rip you apart. After getting ripped apart O'Reilly slammed him, safely and unopposed on his own show...