Thursday, April 26, 2007

My Dad used to work with his Dad...

This was kind of unbelievable, given the frequency with which John McCain has appeared as a guest on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. But here it is: John McCain was the guest, and Jon Stewart ripped him to shreds.

I once had some respect for McCain, but his commencement address at Falwell's Liberty University destroyed that for me. It was clear to me that McCain was no more noble than any of the other vote-seeking republican shills. He panders to anyone he thinks might advance his political career. As a politician professing to offer "straight talk" John McCain is a horrible disappointment.

Okay, as a disclaimer I'll reveal that my dad and Jon's used to work together. I've never met either one, but I'm a big fan of Jon. Just watch the video (on your computer, because it's TV Turnoff Week)...

Part One:

Part Two:

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